Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Is Better Than SEO?

Author: Robert Steers

There are plenty of things that work better than SEO. It depends largely on the market, the budget and the time frame. However SEO does not have to be the only way you generate sales online. You should also look at these things for generating good traffic.

Being Memorable – keep people coming back for more because they remember who you are and what your brand is beats being number one because you will always have customers. The easiest customers to persuade, are ones that have purchased from you before. Being memorable could be in the design, in the product of even in the service.

Publicity – Offline press is just as important as online marketing. Getting rave reviews from any form of traditional media has a double effect of cementing the brand and driving traffic. Some markets ONLY thrive on publicity, because people are not going to actively search for you.

WOM/Buzz – This could be lumped in with publicity, but it deserves its own category. Buzz around something unique is more likely to drive unique traffic than just trying to place first for “original organic widget company”. Having influential people talk about your brand is more than publicity!

Unique products/services – Selling the same thing as everyone else means you are competing in the same space for the same fish. If you can create something unique, you are competing in a pond all to yourself.

PPC – In highly competitive markets, it might take months and thousands of dollars to get in front of customers. However you can buy keywords on Google at a much lower rate. The bottom line is AdWords works extremely well in some markets. A good strategy could be long or short term, whichever it is, you do need to look at it in a targeted and outcome based way. You can’t spend money on PPC advertising in an aimless manner. Second of all Google AdWords has to be one of the most ubiquitous advertising method on the planet right now. More people interact with Google on a daily basis than watch the Super Bowl. You can reach any niche, any target in a cost effective way not imaginable 10 years ago.

When does SEO work?

Building, and raising, an online profile takes time, effort and skill. SEO isn’t just about links, or just quality web content. It too can take time and money that might not see a return if done incorrectly. It is certainly more fickle than an AdWords campaign. However it is generally a far more profitable strategy for long term lead generation. In some markets, where there is little competition for certain keywords, one good link from an online directory can be enough to give a website a front page berth. In fact this would be the case with almost all local markets, and local keywords, where there are less than 10 competitors looking to make the front page.

Article Source : What Is Better Than SEO?

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