Saturday, March 5, 2011

Keyword Searching

Author : Jeef Beale

Quite a while ago I had seen a great western movie and was trying to tell my friend about it but was having a brain slip and could not remember the title or the main actor. Of course I went to the internet to try to help me out and typed in western movies. Well you know what happened, I got thousands of results and it would have taken me hours to go through them all. I tried to think of the year it may have been released and started searching with that, and of course it narrowed the search but I still could not find it. 

I needed to be more specific. I knew one of the actors so I searched with that, and the word western. Finally I was narrowing my search and found the movie.....Tombstone. I know, it seems like that would be easy to remember, but sometimes you just have those days.

What all of this reminded me of is targeted keywords for your website. Anyone can create a website and try to market it, but if you do not have focused, specific keywords you will not gain the ground you are looking for with search engines. If you were building a site and one of your key words was western it would bring a lot of traffic, however there would also be a lot of competition with that word. You have to think of words that are more focused and specific to your topic. 

Sometimes it is very difficult to come up with great keywords, but think about searching for your own site, what words would you use, how would you search for it. There are several keyword tool search websites you can use to find great keywords for your site and some of these sites are referenced as resources for you below.

Finding the right words for your website is key. This will help you build your ranking and gain traffic to your site. This is a must for building a successful site for your business and product.

Article Source : Keyword Searching

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