Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How Can I Get More Traffic To My Website?

Author: Jeff Phelps

Every website owner wants to increase the level of traffic their website receives. It doesn’t matter if you’re already achieving what you consider to be decent levels of traffic – there is always the desire (and usually the scope) for achieving much more.

If you want to increase your traffic levels, one of the first things you need to find out is where your current visitors are coming from and then concentrate some of your efforts on those sources. Let’s say, for example, that you are getting 40 visitors a day from a particular online forum by posting messages and including a link to your website in your signature. A good way of increasing your traffic would be to increase your activity on that forum and then find other similar forums which you could also post to. 

If you can find the sources which are working for you now, you know which things to spend time on. Over time you will start to see which methods give you the biggest return on the time you spend on them.

Remember however that not all traffic is equal. You always need targeted traffic because there is no use having 1,000 people a day visiting your site if none of them are remotely interested in what you are offering!

Think about the places where your target audience hangs out. If you are reasonably knowledgeable about your niche you’ll probably already know some of the most popular websites in your niche which you could potentially use to generate traffic.

Make sure you don’t overlook paid methods either. Would Google Adwords, for example, be a good way to get more traffic to your website? If you know what you are doing it can be an excellent source of traffic, although it is easy to loose money from it if you don’t. If you would like to trial it without taking much of a risk it’s worth looking out for the free credit vouchers which Google seems to give away on a regular basis to encourage new people to sign up for Adwords.

Traffic generation is all about finding your target audience. If you can do that and then give them a reason to check out your website you should draw visitors in.

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