Thursday, February 10, 2011

SEO hosting Reviews so That You Can Make Your Final Decision

Author : Jack Madison 

There are many different types of SEO hosting reviews that you can make use of to ensure that you learn everything there is to learn about SEO hosting. You will learn the importance of having class C IP addresses that can be used as blog farms by webmasters. Such blog farms allow users to utilize different types of nameservers, each having its very own set of class c IP addresses. Such SEO hosting reviews also show others ways in which such multiple IP address are extremely useful. At the same time, you come to know that by not using such SEO hosting, your website can be banned in Google and other search engines. 

SEO hosting reviews that are available on the internet also shows that in the past, that have been many different types of blackhat techniques that were used that created such blog farms on the very same IP address. Such SEO hosting reviews show that they would utilize such blog farms as a means of gaining the greatest number of backlinks to their website. But the algorithms of Google are much smarter and so any backlinks that come from the very same C class IP address are not valued at all. Hence, it is imperative that different class C IP addresses are used. 

If you make use of the internet, you will find that many SEO hosting reviews state that to avoid your website being banned by Google, what you have to do is to make sure that you completely understand what is needed in terms of a different class c IP address. 

Consider the following example that a SEO hosting reviews site provided where a normal IP is divided into 4 parts viz. AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD. If this is your IP address, you now know how very important the C class is. You have to make sure that the websites that you own are not hosted on the very same C class IP address. If Google finds out that more than one of your websites are originating from the very same IP address then you can be absolutely sure that your IP would be banned. 

This is why today, there are many SEO hosting review companies that are available offering you what you need to ensure that your site is not blacklisted y Google – Different Class C IP addresses. Basically these different sets of SEO hosting reviews Class C IP’s are what can ensure that your website would be able to rank much higher in any search engine.

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