Friday, February 18, 2011

Basics Of SEO

Author : Wyatt Brown

Any query of a popular word in a search engine would yield a huge number of results. In such a scenario, how a website manages to feature among the top results of a query for a specific keyword is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO. The reason behind the increasing popularity of SEO in past few years is that the appearance of the website in top search results aids in getting more visitors to it, which very often translates into more business.

Black hat and white hat are the two primary classifications of SEO techniques. Black hat SEO involves somewhat unaccepted means to make a website appear at the top of the search rankings. Whereas, white hat SEO works within the framework provided by the search engines and focuses on making use of widely accepted techniques.

To connect a particular web page to a specific keyword, the search engines earlier utilised the Meta data of the page that has been made a part of the code of that page. However, key search engines now utilise complex algorithms to display the results that are filtered on the basis of more than 200 distinct factors.

SEO experts try to figure out the significance of several elements in the search algorithms and keep in touch with the newest advancements that are introduced by different search engines. This knowledge assists them in updating the SEO strategies for their clients to enable them to figure in top results of popular keywords. For the older algorithms, which used just the Meta data and web site content, the optimization method used was to bring the concentration of a keyword on the page to an appropriate level and managing the Meta tags of the page.

Although these aspects are still quite important, search engines now give a lot more priority to the popularity of a web page. The number of links referring to a web page indicates the popularity of that web page. It is almost like a democratic process as every link to the web page can be seen as a vote. Because of this, now SEO has to focus on offsite techniques too, like offering content for free to receive inbound links and establishing a presence on online hubs for social interaction, such as blogs, forums etc.

The most important factor to remember about SEO is that it is not static. The field is constantly changing and your strategies have to adapt to those changes. That is why it is so important to have an expert SEO consultant help you out.

Article Source : Basics Of SEO 

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