Friday, January 14, 2011

Top 5 Engine Optimization Services Questions and Answers

Author : Darren Chabluk

Can link building really hurt you? Not true, nothing can be further from the truth. If this were true we could go out there and wipe out all our competitors. Some things you can do in the linking process won't really help you too much, but incoming linking won't hurt you.

Do all of your imbound urls need to be relevant? Not true, nothing can be further from the truth. Our network associates have conducted tests with sites that had no relevant links at all just to prove this theory and these sites are out ranking competition. Throw this myth out it's pure garbage.

How fast can you build urls and not get penalized? Not true, you can get a landslide of links overnight from a press release or TV, this is a natural occurrence. What does not look natural if you got a huge amount of links in 5 minutes and no more for the next 6 months. There is no limit on how fast you can build links, just don't stop all of a sudden.

Do links from non PR (page rank) sites count? Absolutely they do. You really should have non PR links or else your SEO is not going to look natural. High PR links may not count if that's all that you do. Naturally you'd get a lot more low PR links. Focus on ones that are related, and non related.

Your competition has too many links for you to have a chance? Don't assume that your competition has all quality links, a lot of the links can be not counted, devalued, or discarded and can be beat with a quality linking campaign including: non relevant links, non PR links, and some really good high PR links.

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