Sunday, January 23, 2011

Search Engine Optimization Tricks and Tips

Author : Jerry Weiland

Looking for good and smart ways to optimize your website? Well, let me tell you this first there are no real tricks of the trade. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) uses steps in order to rank high in the search engines. Lets define what SEO is. It is the process of readying a website to be listed well in search engines. Several factors are involved in making a site search engine friendly including the design and content of the site. Search Engine Optimization Tricks and Tips uses many steps to rank high. Here is a small list:

  • A good keyword page title
  • H1 Header
  • Good links
  • Great content
This partial list is only for the website. I have not even touched the area to get traffic to the site. Lets put it this way, it takes work. If you want to succeed you must do the steps. When I was building my first website I ran into some trouble. Because I didn't understand how SEO worked my site was not getting traffic. I thought I can skip the part of sending traffic and just rely on the flashy website. Boy, was I wrong. You need to do all the steps Let me tell you what you need to optimize your site properly. When someone lands on your site you want that person to click on one or many links you have, right?

Well here are techniques that should always to be followed.
  • Writing effective headlines
  • Proper use of text links
  • Call-to-action phrases
  • Solo links
In writing effective headlines you should try to have three components.
  1. Ask a question,
  2. Provide doubt or uncertainty,
  3. Provide a benefit.
Proper use of text links is something marketers miss or don't do right. First off do not use too many links as it will make your site look cheap and unprofessional. Second add text links on keywords that are highly important to the main idea of the paragraph. And third, add text links on "call-to-action". Call to action phrases have the best click-through rates and grab your audience to act on what you say. Solo links are very strong as they stick out by themselves. Example would be "click here to receive the free gift" This statement would be between paragraphs.

Pushing traffic to your website means you need to send people there. How is that done? With article marketing. This is another way of SEO. By writing articles and submitting them to article directories you will have people reading what you wrote and clicking to your site. By doing this the search engines see this and in turn start ranking not only the site but also your articles. Pretty cool.

Going through these steps is very crucial in optimizing your website. It does take hard work. But you will reap the benefits. Everything will fall into place once it will be done the right way. Search Engine Optimization Tricks and Tips need to follow a series of steps, from a good title with a proper header, good links and very good content. You definitely need a great call-to-action phrase and solo links to help rank high.

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